How To Prevent & Get Rid of Sagging Breasts Naturally

Sagging breasts is a problem that is not uncommon, especially for women who are in the middle age. Though the issue is just a cosmetic one, usually, still it mars the physical appearance resulting in low self-esteem!
But do not to worry! You have many home remedies to resolve the issue and, it is about these natural cures that you are going to read in this article.

Sagging Breasts- Causes and Symptoms

Before you move on to the natural remedies, it would be worthwhile to know briefly about the causes and symptoms of the condition. First, have a look at the major causes of sagging breasts.

  • Ageing: After crossing the age of 30, a woman’s skin starts to lose its elasticity due to a decline in the estrogen level in the body. And, this in turn gradually leads to sagging breasts.
  • Cigarette smoking: This might come as a surprise to many, but cigarette smoking is indeed a chief causative factor. Smoking exercises an adverse effect on a protein called as elastin, which keeps the elasticity of the skin intact.
  • Pregnancy: Pregnancy is another primary factor causing the breasts to sag. In fact, women who had several pregnancies are more prone to the issue.
  • Body weight: Sagging breasts is more common in women having excess body weight.
  • Heredity: Along with the above causes, there is a possibility of a woman becoming more susceptible to the problem genetically.

Symptom of Sagging Breasts

Do not be puzzled on reading that! Yes! There is a prominent symptom seen even in the very early stages of the condition and which can easily be noticed! The areola gets moved from the middle to the bottom part of the breast.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Sagging Breasts

Well, you now have come to the most important section of the article. It is here that you are going to read about the home remedies for sagging breasts.
Once you complete reading this, you will be pleasantly surprised that solving this problem is so simple! You will understand that there is no need to go for expensive cosmetic procedures! So, go ahead and help yourselves!

1. Ice Massage

When you want to beat the problem of sagging breasts, this is a remedy that you must not ignore! The ice massage will help the breasts to get back the firmness and thus would bring back the smile on your face!
In fact, there are many women who will vouch for the effectiveness of this remedy! So do not delay anymore! Go for it now!
Things you need:
Ice cubes- 2
Things you need to do:
  1. Take 1 ice cube.
  2. Gently rub it around the breast for about 2 minutes.
  3. Now take one more ice cube.
  4. Slowly massage it around the other breast for another 2 minutes.
  5. Wipe the breasts using a soft towel.
  6. Then lie down on your back for around half-hour.
  7. Repeat that for 4-5 times every day and you will get the outcome you want.

2. Olive Oil

The role of olive oil to alleviate the condition can never be overstated. The oil comes loaded with fatty acids and strong antioxidants, which assist you to both treat and also prevent sagging breasts. Is this now awesome! Start to use the remedy and rest assured! You will not be disappointed!
Things you need:
Olive oil- 2 tbsp
Things you need to do:
  1. Take 1 tbsp of olive oil.
  2. Pour the oil on the palms.
  3. Firmly rub the palms together so as to produce heat.
  4. Then massage your breasts with the palms, from the bottom to top.
  5. Continue doing so for roughly 20 minutes.
  6. Repeat the process minimum 4 times every week.

3. Egg Yolk and Cucumber

If you think that going for costly procedures is the only way to resolve the problem, then this remedy will make you change your opinion! In this remedy, you gain from the abundant quantity of vitamins and protein of egg yolk as well as the skin-toning effects of cucumber.
The wonderful blend will display the desired outcome quicker than you anticipate! Go for it immediately and see for yourselves!
Things you need:
  • Cucumber- 1
  • Egg yolk- 1
  • Butter- 1 tsp
Things you need to do:
  1. Take 1 cucumber and puree it in the blender.
  2. Now add 1 egg yolk and 1 tsp of butter to the cucumber.
  3. Mix thoroughly to make a paste.
  4. Spread the paste on the breasts.
  5. Allow it to be undisturbed for roughly 30 minutes.
  6. Then rinse it off using cold water.
  7. Follow the process at least 1 time in a week.

 4. Onion and Egg

Here is another excellent natural treatment for you, a blend of onion and egg. An onion comes packed with numerous vitamins and minerals that are pivotal to skin health.
You will simply love this combination! Begin to use it now and you do not have to wait too long to see what you want!
Things you need:
  • Egg- 1
  • Onion- 1
  • Water- 1 glass
Things you need to do:
  1. Take 1 egg and beat it until it attains a cream-like texture.
  2. Spread this egg on the lower part of the breasts.
  3. Wait for around half-hour.
  4. Now take 1 onion and crush it to extract its juice.
  5. Add the onion juice in 1 glass of water.
  6. Mix it well.
  7. Then rinse your breasts using this water.
  8. Follow the process regularly and you will be happy.

5. Fenugreek Seed Powder

Are you desperately on lookout for ways to rectify the problem of sagging breasts? If yes, then the fenugreek seed powder will come to your rescue. These seeds come with properties, which keep the firmness of the breasts intact.
The moment you start to use the remedy, you can consider the issue to be solved! You will be awestruck with its effectiveness!
Things you need:
  • Fenugreek seed powder- 1 cup
  • Water- ½ cup
Things you need to do:
  1. Take 1 cup of fenugreek seed powder and 1 glass of water.
  2. Add the powder in this water.
  3. Mix properly to form a paste.
  4. Gently apply the paste on the breasts.
  5. Leave it undisturbed for about 15 minutes.
  6. Then rinse it off with cool water.
  7. Use the remedy daily and you will be happy with the outcome.

6. Shea Butter

Shea butter is one of the best natural remedies to beat the condition of sagging breasts. The vitamin E that you get in this butter is of immense value, when it comes to improving skin elasticity. The butter successfully fights against the free radicals there in your body, too.
Things you need:
Shea butter- ½ cup
Things you need to do:
  1. Take ½ cup of shea butter.
  2. Put the butter on your breasts.
  3. Then slowly massage the butter around and on the breasts for roughly 20 minutes.
  4. Allow it to be undisturbed for 15 minutes.
  5. Now rinse with cool water.
  6. Follow the process 3 times every week for best results.

7. Pomegranate and Mustard Oil

The combination of pomegranate and mustard oil denotes as being another lovely remedy for you. The key vitamins found in both these ingredients greatly contribute to the various aspects of skin health including elasticity. The solution for the issue is just round the corner! Just walk few steps and get it!
Things you need:
  • Pomegranate- 1
  • Mustard oil- 1 tbsp
Things you need to do:
  1. Take 1 pomegranate and peel it.
  2. Add1 tbsp of mustard oil to the peel
  3. Grind the peel to make a paste.
  4. Now rub the paste on and around the breasts at bedtime.
  5. Repeat it every night.

8. Use Aloe Vera Gel for Sagging Breast

The article on home remedies for sagging breasts will be incomplete, if it does not speak of aloe vera.
The antioxidants of aloe vera combat the free radicals in your body and, this is a crucial element of the treatment. Additionally, the wonderful ingredient is loaded with properties that safeguard your skin’s elasticity. Thus, use the remedy and you will very soon forget about the issue!
Things you need:
Aloe vera gel- 2 tbsp
Things you need to do:
  1. Take 2 tbsp of aloe vera gel.
  2. Spread the gel on your breasts.
  3. Slowly massage with the gel around the breasts for about 15 minutes.
  4. Wait for another 15 minutes.
  5. Wash off the gel using lukewarm water.
  6. Repeat that every day and regain the firmness of breasts.

9. Rhassoul Clay

If you are serious to beat the condition, you have to actively consider Rhassoul clay. This clay contains numerous minerals such as magnesium, silica, calcium, iron and potassium, etc, all of which help to keep the skin firm. Continue reading!
Things you need:
  • Rhassoul clay- 3 tbsp
  • Water- 1 glass
Things you need to do:
  1. Take 3 tbsp of Rhassoul clay and 1 glass of water.
  2. Combine them together.
  3. Mix well to form a fine paste.
  4. Then spread the paste on the breasts.
  5. Let the paste dry down on its own.
  6. Now wash it off using warm water.
  7. Repeat that 1 time every week.

 Exercise for Correction of Sagging Breasts

When it is the question to correct sagging of breasts, physical exercises are as important as the above remedies. You will now read about 2 workouts that help you to address the problem.

10. Chest Press

Chest press is among the best exercises that enable you to regain the breast firmness. Provided, you perform this exercise regularly, sagging breasts will very soon become a thing of the past.
  1. Take 2 dumbbells.
  2. Lie down on the floor facing the roof.
  3. Hold 1 dumbbell with left hand and the other one with the right hand.
  4. Rest the hands on the chest.
  5. Slowly stretch the arms in upward direction till they are completely extended.
  6. The hands should be straight.
  7. Remain in this posture for about 15 seconds.
  8. Now steadily bring the arms back on to the chest.
  9. Do 10 repetitions of this exercise.
  10. Have this workout daily to get the positive result.

11. Arms Lift

If your priority is to correct/prevent sagging breasts, this exercise deserves to have your immediate attention.
  1. Start at the normal standing posture with your hands resting on the sides.
  2. Slowly lift the hands in the sideward direction, with the palms facing the roof.
  3. Bring the arms above your head and let the palms come into contact with each other.
  4. Remain in this position for about 30 seconds.
  5. Then slowly bring back the hands to the starting position.
  6. Do 20 repetitions of this workout at a time.
  7. Perform this exercise for 3-4 times daily.

Additional Tips

Do no mistakenly think that you now have complete details about correcting sagging breasts. Please note that, along with the remedies and exercises, even the following tips are highly vital to both prevent and treat the condition.
  • It is very important that you select the bra that is a perfect fit for you. It should neither be too tight nor too lose.
  • As far as possible, protect yourself from the hot sun. When you get regularly exposed to the hot sun, there is a high risk of the elasticity of the skin getting adversely impacted.
  • Make sure that you consume plenty of water in a day, as it keeps your skin adequately hydrated. This in turn protects the elasticity.
  • You have to ensure that your daily diet includes all the important vitamins, proteins, minerals, etc. This is very much necessary to maintain the skin health.
  • Your workout regimen should be designed in such a way that you lose weight only gradually. You have to understand that rapid drop in body weight just aggravates the problem of sagging breasts.
So, you now are fully knowledgeable about the natural methods to correct sagging breasts. All the remedies that you have seen here are tried and tested ones and hence you can use of any of them. Do not be doubtful about that!
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